FDACS Reports Apiary Industry Flourishing in Florida

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services reports the state’s apiary industry is flourishing, with a rapidly growing number of beekeepers, many of whom are expanding their operations. They are meeting the growing demand for honey, a commodity product trading at upwards of two dollars a pound; Florida is continually ranked in the top four … More FDACS Reports Apiary Industry Flourishing in Florida

Our Apiary Chief’s International Travels

Apiarist Westervelt Speaks in Canada, Samples Germany’s Beekeeping Industry State Apiary Chief David Westervelt spent the July 4 weekend at the Ottawa Beekeepers Association conference at Guelph, where he made three presentations. David noted the conference had about three times the usual number of attendees, a fact he attributes to the growing interest in beekeeping … More Our Apiary Chief’s International Travels

Florida sending Bees West as California Almond Growers Face Pollination Crisis

As almond trees begin to blossom in California’s San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, Florida bee keepers loaded semi-trailers with bee colonies to help pollinate the 800,000 acres of groves, according to David Westervelt, Apiary Inspection assistant chief of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI). “California has only 500,000 … More Florida sending Bees West as California Almond Growers Face Pollination Crisis

The Honey Bee – An Important Part of Florida Agriculture

Honey bees are the creator’s of man’s first sweetener. Primitive beekeepers were actually hunters, raiding beehives for honey. Honey was prized because of its unique taste and unusual sweetness. Today, this important Florida product has an annual worth of $15 to $20 million. Florida’s climate and abundant flowering plants make it a perfect place to … More The Honey Bee – An Important Part of Florida Agriculture

Registered Beekeeper or Self-Proclaimed Bee Enthusiast, UF/IFAS Offers Training

The University of Florida Bee College is scheduled for March 11-12, 2011, at the UF Whitney Lab in St. Augustine. Registration is now open for the program, and anyone interested in learning more about honey and the apiary industry should check out the website and program guide. In addition to the Bee College, UF also … More Registered Beekeeper or Self-Proclaimed Bee Enthusiast, UF/IFAS Offers Training

Bee Aware!

When it comes to saving bees in Florida, FDACS/DPI has a unique plan of action. Consumers who call the Division of Plant Industry Helpline with concerns of a bee swarm or infestation are often shocked when the helpline operator tells them that eradication is the best option. Callers want to know why an agency that … More Bee Aware!