VW Brings Entomology to the Super Bowl with its Epic Beetle Ad

If you ever wondered how entomology affects the average citizen’s daily life, look no further than Super Bowl XLV. The Super Bowl is the prime location for advertisers to unveil their most creative ads to one of the world’s largest audiences. Volkswagen aired a commercial for its 21st Century Beetle, starring none other than members of the insect world.

We are able to enjoy ads like the commercial VW showed during the Super Bowl because of the dedication of entomologists and scientists from related fields to study the insects that populate our world. We know about scuttling beetles, social ants and praying mantises from those who research their characteristics and impact on the environment.

While DPI does not endorse companies, we would like to give VW kudos for highlighting some of our favorite members of the animal kingdom. Check out the commercial in the YouTube video below.