Pledge an Act of Green: Monitor for Citrus Diseases

Florida is known for its sunshine and citrus, but those involved with the citrus industry know the dangers associated with growing the fruit due to the introduction of citrus pests and diseases. Abandoned citrus groves, the unregulated movement of citrus fruit and plant parts and the state’s vulnerability to exotic pests as a hub for tourism all contribute to the problems that result from citrus pests and diseases.

Citrus canker, citrus greening, citrus black spot and the Asian citrus psyllid all currently affect the Florida citrus industry. Even if you do not commercially grow citrus, you can help stop the spread of these pests and diseases by raising your awareness and monitoring for them. You can check out our Citrus Health Response website for all kinds of information on citrus health in Florida, and even use our interactive citrus disease identification tool.

With Earth Day coming up this Friday, you can take part in the Pledge and Act of Green movement by pledging to monitor for citrus pests and diseases in your yard. If you suspect you have a citrus disease, call DPI’s toll-free helpline at 888-397-1517. For more information about Earth Day, visit